Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My 5 Favorite Beauty Gurus!

Hi, love!
I'm really excited about this post today because I'm going to tell you my favorite beauty gurus from Youtube!

I love watching beauty gurus on Youtube and that's what really made me into make-up and stuff. Because they can give you tons of tutorials, advice, their favorites (and will become my favorites!), and another fun stuff! NOW, let's get started! :)

1. Gossmakeupartist (check out his channel here)
You probably be like, "What? Seriously? A man?" Yup! Don't judge a book by it's cover because he is the best I've ever known and that's why I put him in number 1! He will give you makeup tutorial, but my favorite video is when he tells you makeup quick tips. The quick tips are so simple but make a HUGE different for your makeup. He will give you the easiest quick tips in the most clearest explanation. He is amazing, that's what I can say. Definitely check his channel out and you'll never regret it!

2. Macbarbie07 (check out her channel here)
She is the first person that I watched on Youtube as a beauty guru. She will give you tutorials, outfits idea, monthly favorites, and giveaway! The reason why I love her is because she will show you makeup tutorial s and somehow she'll make it so easy while a lot of people show you hard techniques (although they tell you it's easy) that you'll never understand. Let me give you some example I learned for the first time from her: for eyeshadow, light color all over the lid and darker color on the crease.  Honestly, I would never know that if not because of her. The best part of her? Check out her bloopies at the very end of every video! It's hilarious!!!

3. Fleurdeforce (check out her channel  here)
The first thing came into my mind is she is beautiful and that;s why I love her :) She has gorgeous skin that I always want. She'll show you some tutorials, outfits idea, monthly favorites and many more. She's a little bit different from Macbarbie07 (Macbarbie07 features more drugstores products than high end), she features high end products more than the drugstore ones. Although I can't really afford them (lol) somehow it is still enjoyable to watch her. She also has the sweetest boyfriend ever!

4. Beautycrush (check out her channel here)
Most of you probably already knew her. She is famous for her perfect-winged eyeliner and full lips, which is gorgeous! She may have a style that I quite different than me but I love watching her monthly favorites and her makeup tutorials, although most of the time she uses products that don't available here, but I still enjoy it. I also enjoy listening to her British accent, it's quite funny :)

5. Nicolegraceee (check out her channel here)
She might be new on Youtube, but since the first video, I love her already and I still do! My favorite thing about her is perfect porcelain skin-really envy! I enjoy her makeup tutorials, Get Read With Me videos, and her haul. She mostly shows you clothes, accessories from Topshop and I love Topshop, but sometimes it's quite pricey here, so I rather watching her getting things in Topshop, still fun tho lol I hope she'll make more cool videos because I enjoy watch her videos a lot! :)

So, those are my 5 favorite beauty gurus on Youtube and I really want to know who is your favorite beauty guru on Youtube so please leave a comment down below and tell me who is your favorite. I'd like to check them out and maybe your favorite will become my favorite :)

I'll talk to you in my another post! Bye! :)

Mwah! <3

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