Sunday, January 6, 2013

ThatsHeart Meet and Greet!

Hi lovelies!

I'm sorry I've been really quite these past weeks. But I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013! Hope you all have a lovely year ahead! After new year, I was kinda really busy and that's why I've been really quite BUT I'm back and I am sooo excited TODAY!

So as you know I live in Indonesia. I have a very little chance to meet the beauty gurus on Youtube because they live in US or UK (mostly). But I was super duper excited when I read @HEARTDEFENSOR tweets that she and her boyfriend, Arnold, will come to Jakarta, Indonesia and they will do a meetup here. It's very rare for a famous beauty guru to come to Asia and do a meetup. So as you can see the pattern here, I didn't throw away my chance to meet one of my favorite guru.

 Don't see my face! Probably that is the worst face of the year! lol Let me give you some story here and the reason why I look horrible in the photo:

I was there earlier and Heart still didn't come yet so I think I would try some sweaters at Forever 21 while waiting for her. So I took one of the sweaters, went to the dressing room, and tried it on. After I put it off again and changed into my clothes, and suddenly I heard a voice that I really know and I thought: "Oh, shoot! She's here!!!" So I rushed, put on my clothes, and quickly put sweater in a random rack (sorry, Forever 21). Then, I met her! Shaking, didn't know what to say, and asked for picture. Well, probably that was not the time for picture because I was exhausted because of running, shaking because met her, and I was about to cry because simply I can't believe that moment!! So yeah, that's the reason of that horrible face, crying-looking face lol

She and Arnold were so kind. They hugged me 1 second after I addressed them and after the meetup was going to end. We chatted a little. I asked her if she did shopping while she's here and she said she did A LOT of shopping and Arnold did too! Then, I asked her to do a haul and she said yes! I was so happy just to say my video request to her, in person!

After all, I had a great time with them although I was really quite because I didn't know what to say while some girls kept talking to them. I think I need to learn about communication! lol Both of them were so nice and kind to all of the people there and I really appreciate their effort to make their first meetup here, in Indonesia. It's still January but they have made my 'Highlite of the Year' list! It's the best experience I've ever had! :)

If you haven't subscribe their channels on Youtube, I think you need to because they're simply amazing and so inspirational!
Check out Heart's channel:
Check out Arnold's channel:

So that's it for today's post. It's quite long just because I am so excited about this! hehe I'll talk to guys later in my next post! Buhbye!

Mwah <3

One more thing, special message to both them :)
Heart, Arnold, if you read this, I just  want you to know I really appreciate you guys to come here and I was really happy to meet you. I hope we'll meet again in the next chance! Maybe me going to US! :) *finger crossed*

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